Spelling Fixes -- Some Advice

 Some Thoughts on Spelling Fixes

I've been looking at a number of FreeBSD pull requests lately. Many of them are spelling fixes. I'd like to offer some suggestions for people submitting them. The same advice applies to typo fixes and grammar corrections.

  1. Keep number of changes small.
  2. Use separate commits per directory
  3. Use descriptive commit messages
  4. Set your email correctly
  5. Don't correct code

Keep number of changes small

When submitting like this, limit the number of changes to 10-20. More than about 15 changes becomes hard to review. Every single change has to be verified for correctness, and having too many will make your pull request more likely to be overlooked.

Use separate commits per directory

When submitting a number of changes, do one change per subdirectory. When subdirectories are nested, it's OK. For example, if you have changes to bin/ls and bin/rm, do two commits. But if you have changes to both usr.sbin/wpa/wpa_priv and usr.sbin/wpa/wpa_cli, then it's OK to do those as one commit.

Use descriptive commit messages

The commit message "fix spelling" is too generic to be useful. If you are fixing just one word, a better commit message would be "Spell interrupt correctly". It also allows the reviewer to make sure that you are changing the right thing. And it also gives enough detail that people skimming the logs don't need to look at the diffs to know what changed. If you are fixing multiple spelling errors, then a generic message is more appropriate.

Set your email correctly

When you push your branch to github, make sure that you've set the email you want in the commit message. It saves a lot of time. If you are using github's editor, make sure that your profile has this information set correctly.

Don't correct code

Don't make spelling corrections in code variables, #defines, etc. These will likely be ignored. The risk from a comment or an error message being corrected is tiny, while code changes could be attempts to subtly change the system or introduce security impacting issues through a supply chain attack. It's better to work with someone in the community to get these corrected than to correct them via a pull request.


A new path: vm86-based venix emulator

 Venix Emulator Update

It's been a while since I've had time to work on the Venix emulator. When I set it aside over a year ago, I'd taken it as far as I could with the 8088 emulator I'd found online. It had no FP emulation and there were
a number of things misbehaving that I couldn't quite get right. And exec was proving hard to implement. Despite being written in C++, the original emulator resisted my efforts to make multiple instantiations.

So I set it aside last May, thinking I might get back to it when the qemu bsd-user changes FreeBSD has done have been upstreamed.

The first of August I took some time off from work and got the bsd-user changes in shape to upstream. Well, the first 10% of the changes that were the hardest since it was replacing what was there with something that minimally worked. This helped me learn qemu's x86 CPU much better and it got me thinking that qemu's user-mode stuff might be the way to go.

About this time I also found a vm86 test program in the FreeBSD tree. So I got to wondering, could I do a vm86 implementation of Venix?

So, I stole the bulk of my old 86sim-based Venix implementation, installed a i386 VM using bhyve on my FreeBSD/amd64 box and write a quick little test program. The test program worked, so in a fit of "why not give this a try" I ported the pcvenix.cc from 86sim to being driven from SIGSEGV in vm86 mode. Hello world quickly worked.


So, I reworked fork and exec and the a.out loader a bit. I was able to get the C compiler going in this new setup. The 'cc' command is just a fancy script that strings together the pre-processor, compiler, optimizer, assembler and linker. Except on Venix it wasn't a shell script I could hack to run natively on FreeBSD. It was this weird binary that did all the forking, execing, redirecting, etc inline. More on that in a minute.

So vm86 mode is a special mode in 32-bit CPUs that lets you execute old 16-bit code in the context of a normal process. It's super easy to setup, but often of limited use.

Thankfully, the i386 ELF designers thought ahead. The starting address for binaries in ELF is this weird 0x00401430, which is just above 4MB. This means that one can map anything into low memory and it will work. FreeBSD has a security stop on mapping anything at location 0, however, but the rest of the first 4MB is available. The old 8086 could only see the first 1MiB of that, but since Venix binaries are at worst 'small-mode' the largest address space for a process was 128kiB. Plenty of room to find a place to map it.

So, I wrote a loader that would load the old Venix a.out binaries into this space. Or rather I hacked the loader I already had to do the mapping. I was able to reuse all the loader code from the 86sim-based emulator I had before.

I then shamelessly stole the setup code from the FreeBSD vm86 testing binary, which was little more than establishing signal handlers and zeroing the context and setting up a stack and IP as well as the segment registers. With that in hand, I was able to use sigreturn() to set the processor flags such that it would jump to where I wanted to go in the Venix binary. I'd been afraid of vm86 mode after reading through doscmd years ago, but there was no need for the fear: all the cruft in doscmd (I reread it after this) was the accumulation of cruft over the years for DOS, BIOS and other weirdness that evolved around the IBM PC, XT, AT and the plethora of clones which had nothing to do with vm86 mode, per se.

Every INT xx instruction would trap to the kernel. The kernel would note down the registers and send the process a SIGSEGV for these accesses. I was able to then look at CS:IP in the mcontext and decode the instruction that faulted. INT xx is encoded as the bytes 0xCD 0xXX for almost all values of X (INT3 has its own opcode 0xCC). In the signal handler, I could decode this opcode. I knew from past work that INT 0xf1 was the system call, so I hooked up the old venix system call handlers to this and I was back to where I was with 86sim. Further in fact because floating point worked.

Signal handlers have an implicit sigreturn with the context passed to the signal handler at the end. I needed to skip over the faulting instruction after performing the system call, and the process would then resume executing in 16-bit mode after the INT 0xf1. This was straight forward to implement.

I decided to implement fork as a real fork. It would copy the address space, all the open FDs, etc. This proved to be an easy way to cheat so I didn't have to create a context object and use threads to simulate processes.

Exec proved to be just a call to my loader that started all this off. The only thing I've not implemented is close on exec, but the rest was easy.

With these implemented, I could run the C compiler's cc command and generate trivial binaries. But if I needed to include anything, it would fail. I created a VENIX_ROOT env variable. For all opens, it would try VENIX_ROOT / name and then just the plain name if the name arg to open started with a '/'. This was enough for the preprocessor to include .h files and for the canonical hello world to build.

There was just one vexing problem: cc -o hello hello.c worked. However cc -O -o hello hello.c didn't.

Tracking down a silly bug

Well, there was another annoying thing: /bin/sh didn't work. I traced that to the fact I've not implemented passing an environment to the processes, and /bin/sh was choking on that. OK. Fine. I'll implement that later. /bin/csh worked, however, so I was happy. My happiness was short lived, alas, because I'd run a  command and I'd get weird output:
% ls
ls: Sig 44

 That's weird. So I added tracing. I tried the cc command, which in this version is a simple program that orchestrates all the different parts of the compiler using fork, exec, dup and the strategic close/open pair to setup stdin etc. All the tracing looked good as well, we'd see something like:

123: fork() 124
123: wait()
124: ... lots of stuff
124: exit 0
123: wait pid 124 status 0

 and then 123 would proceed to delete all the temp files and exit. It was like it was getting an error, despite its children exiting without an error. Every time it was like this, but only when I ran the optimizer. When I'd re-run the ls test, I'd get different Sig values as well.

Available 8086 compilers in 1985

So, I'd assumed that the compiler was derived from the V7 compiler. However, a number of hints in names suggested it wasn't. And the Venix manual had way more exceptions for 8086 than for pdp-11 when it described the options and operation for Intel, so I assumed it wasn't V7 derived. So I started hunting around for C compilers.

MIT produced one at the time for the PC. It could run on the VAX and generated a.out binaries that a conversion program would convert to .COM or .EXE files. I thought this might be where the Venix compiler came with. But after playing around with it for a few hours it was clear it wasn't. First, it had a shell script cc, not a program. Second, it had a number of VAX specific instructions sprinkled inline, and that wasn't going to run on the Rainbow :).

I took a look at the portable C compiler. This I think was the real genesis of what was shipped with Venix, but old versions that support 8086 are hard to come by, even in the successor portable C compiler project that's been going for 20-odd years now. I got the cc program from that compiling with Venix. It was a bit easier to fuss around with than the V7 one (but the V7 one would be close enough to hit the bug I found out later). Looking at the old System III sources that one can find on the internet, there's a copy of the portable C compiler there, rather than the C compiler from DMR as you'll find in the 7th edition. I used the cc program from there to try to build things. I hit the jackpot: it failed faster!

So I instrumented the pcc program and discovered that the status printed after wait() in the program didn't match the status that I'd returned from the kernel. Progress!

The wait(2) system call...

I'd implemented the wait(2) system call as part of getting fork/exec working. I did it from the VENIX manual that's available online. I looked at the first part of the manual:
        int *statusp;

which shows wait taking a pointer. So I assumed this was what the kernel received in the first arg that's passed into the kernel (DX). I assumed that DS:DX pointed to an integer where I'd return the status. Most of the time, DX was something that looked like a pointer on the stack, so I just did a copyout. The problem is that's not right.

So, I took another look at the manual. At the end of the man page I saw:

8086      BX=7
              int 0xf1
              AX = pid of process
              DX = status

and then it hit me.  DX isn't a pointer to anything. After int 0xf1 AX is the pid of the process (the normal return value) and DX is the status. Disassembling wait.o confirmed this:if statusp is not 0, dx is copied back to *statusp. Doh! The classic pointer vs value mistake. Fixing my implementation to take out the copyout and replace it with setting DX in the processor context made pcc work. And cc worked. And the silly test programs I wrote in the middle to debug things worked. Woo Hoo!

Once I fixed this, all weird combinations of compilations suddenly worked for me. I could optimize, strip, etc and there were no oddities.


It helps to read the manual carefully!

I need to try to build the system. There's shell scripts to do that that don't depend on environment variables working if run natively, so I'll see if they work and see how much of the system I can generate via this route. Stay tuned.

My TODO list still contains getting env working (I don't think it is hard, but I think I need to filter things because my default env is larger than the stack on these old x86 machines). I also need to look at rebasing my emulator as a *-user qemu emulator (even if they don't take it upstream). Maybe even add PC/IX and Xenix/86 support as well so that other researchers can play around with this.


On Updating QEMU's bsd-user fork

 QEMU bsd-user

bsd-user is a 'user mode' emulation tool. It emulates FreeBSD's system calls on FreeBSD well, and $OTHER-BSD system calls elsewhere to varying degrees of success. It's primary mission has been to build FreeBSD packages using user-mode emulation to speed the process over using system mode. It speeds things up because the compilers and other huge CPU hogs can be built natively.

Of late, it has languished, A few years ago, I started to rebase it to the then-tip of qemu in the hopes of upstreaming. At the time, we'd forked off of qemu 1.0 or so. During this time the then-current qemu was 4.0. I got things rebased to around 3.1 before running out of steam. Rebasing patch trains of 1000 commits is hard, and trying to selectively squash commits wasn't much better.  So that's where things stalled. All bug fixes to qemu bsd-user had gone on in our own private branch.

Recently, I'd been asked about it again, so I started to dust things off. I got my name listed as the maintainer so I could push patches upstream a little more easily, and then started contributing by doing basic cleanup in the hopes of redoing 'logically' what had been done to split things up. Those efforts too have come to naught.

So, in one final act of desperation, I copied the 3.1-rebased bsd-user directory directly into qemu 6.0 and got it building. There were lots of little changes I needed, but nothing super huge. I've not done extensive testing, but the basics seem to work.

Trouble was, that diff was 35k lines. Too big to upstream in one go. So, I set out to see what could be done.

First, I labeled the 'yeet it up  to current' branch as 'blitz'. It's a fast hack to get something we can move forward on. In the future, releases and such will be cut from there until I can get it into the upstream tree. Blitz is the German word for 'fast' and has connotations of doing something quick and dirty well enough to move on.

Next, I created another branch from 6.0 called 'kaizen'. Kaizen is the Japanese business practice of continuous improvement. Find the most painful or most expensive part of your business, fix that and iterate. This branch I'll be putting 'diff reduction' patches for upstream, as well as start to move things over from blitz, starting with the loader. I've disconnected everything except x86 from this branch. In upstream qemu, bsd-user core dumps right away, so I'm not turning off anything that's working.

So the plan is that I'll focus on keeping x86 buildable, and get it working as quickly as I can and then add all the system calls from the blitz branch. I'll add them one group at a time, and do the reorgs and new file creation as well. I'll get these reviewed and upstreamed. Once all the system calls are in place, I'll start adding additional architectures as well, getting those patches reviewed too. Finally, I'll get the NetBSD and OpenBSD hosting stuff updated, as well as take a stab at updating their system call tables and seeing how well it works. The work that Stacey Son and others did tried to preserve all this, but it's been a long time since any of it was tested.

I have an agreement in principle with the qemu upstream to do all this work. So approximately monthly, I'll be landing a new branch with the latest diff reductions. I'll rebase kaizen and blitz after each drop and before I upstream. For the moment, this work will go into my gitlab fork (since it has all the CI setup on it) and from time to time I'll publish back to the github qemu-bsd-user repo. Be advised: both the blitz and kaizen branches will rebase often, so you may need to do weird things to update. Though, if you are tracking them with changes, please be in touch so we can coordinate work.

With luck, by this time next year, the kaizen and blitz branches will be nothing but a distant memory and we'll be on to keeping things up to date in qemu head, maybe with doing some refactoring with linux-user where it makes sense.


Customizing Emacs for Git Commit Messages

 Customizing Emacs for Git Commit Messages

I do a lot of commits to the FreeBSD project and elsewhere. It would be nice if I could setup emacs in a custom way for each commit message that I'm editing.

Fortunately, GNU Emacs provides a nice way to do just that. While I likely could do some of these things with git commit hooks, I find this to be a little nicer.

First up, we need to do something when we pull up the commit message to edit. By convention, git uses the file COMMIT_EDITMSG, though the exact location of this file depends on where the git tree you have checked out is. Emacs has a hook that's run when emacs starts editing a file called 'find-file-hook'. So:
(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'imp-git-hook)

will do the job nicely. Next up, we need to define this function to do something useful when run (indeed, failure to define it will result in an error when visiting all files).

(defun imp-git-hook ()
  (when (string= (file-name-base buffer-file-name) "COMMIT_EDITMSG")

buffer-file-name is a local variable that has the full path name to the buffer, if any. file-name-base is like basename(1) in that it returns the name of the file without the extension, rather than its whole path.

But what is 'freebsd-git-setup'? It's a little function I wrote to set the fill column to 72 (I usually have it at 80, but that produces commit messages that are just a bit wide when git adds leading spaces) and adds a sponsorship tag to my commits:

(defun freebsd-git-setup ()
  (setq fill-column 72)
  (if (re-search-forward "^Sponsored by:" nil t)
   if (re-search-forward "^\n#" nil t)
    (replace-match "\nSponsored by:\t\tNetflix\n\n#")))))

But it only adds the sponsorship tag if one isn't there yet.

This is a proof-of-concept function. No doubt it will have to evolve over time. The project adds 'Differential Revision' tags as the last tag in a commit message because differential requires (required?) that. And it wouldn't be good to add this for non-FreeBSD commits, so I'll have to find a way to filter for that... But I thought this would be useful, if nothing else than to my future self as a roadmap for how to do things like this.


EPSON QX-10 20MB Hard disk

 EPSON QX-10 20MB Hard Disk

I've been looking for some DEC Rainbow 3rd party hard drives of late. QCS (Quality Computer Services) made an external hard disk for the DEC Rainbow. There's advertisements in Digital Review and other trade magazines at the time. It uses a SASI interface, and likely had a DEC Rainbow specific add-in card that they rewarmed from other designs...

One recently came up for sale on E-Bay. I thought I'd buy it to check it out. There was no interface card with it, alas. But it was a box with a WD1006 SASI to MFM controller in it that could handle two different drives. The drives were LUN0 and LUN1.

SASI, for those that don't know, pre-dates SCSI-1. It's kinda sorta SCSI-1 compatible, if you turn off parity, don't allow the drive to signal attention and restrict yourself to a subset of commands. It also doesn't have INQUIRY so you kinda have to know the size of the drive before hand. Most SASI controller drivers of the day wrote a label to drive with this information since it was always possible to read LBA0 w/o knowing anything else about the drive. Some controllers had ways to at least return a size, though that varied a lot...

Since SASI is kinda hard to interface to modern SCSI controllers, I used a MFM reader board I got from David Gesswein over at https://www.pdp8.net/mfm/mfm.shtml to read the drive. I had hoped to find that it was from an old Rainbow and I'd complete my collection of drivers for third party drives...

Much to my surprise, I was able to read it without any errors until it hit the manufacturing tracks (480-489). I pulled a full image, then downloaded it to my FreeBSD box for analysis.

hexdump -C told me it was a CP/M disk (I recognized the directory format). It was clear right away it wasn't a DEC Rainbow disk, however.

The first thing I noticed was the "Bi-Tech Multi Drive Support V4.02" string which indicated who made the driver for it. I also noticed strings like the following
PT.COM for EPSON QX-10 PeachText 5000 date changed - 02/03/84

and similar references to the QX-10 or EPSON CP/M.

So, this was from a Epson QX-10 CP/M system. Looks to be a soft-water service company from South Bend Indiana. All their books and correspondence from the mid 1980s was on it, along with some interesting disk support software. There's even some bits of Z80 assembler, but they are too disjointed to know what they were for.

I've not been able to get cpmtools to read the disk in a structured way, however, so it's hard to share just the interesting bits. Still working on it.

If you have one of these machines, or are interested in preserving software from it, please let me and we may be able to work something out.